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Add this recipe >After having dressed the chicken, prepare a trussing needle with a cooking string.
Put the chicken on its back as shown on the photo. Begin pricking on the left side of the anal orifice. You can feel a small hole in the bone with your fingers. Prick through the hole. Follow a transverse path towards the left leg joint.
Flip the chicken over and take the wing by piercing it with the needle, then prick the neck skin so as to firmly tie the orifice. In order to do this, stretch the skin on the back of the chicken. Sting on the left side. The skin is sewn and is not going to open during the cooking process (see picture).
Now take the left wing and prick the other leg joint, position the chicken back as shown on picture 2, and get the needle get by the anal orifice, still through the small hole in the bone.
A black sketch is drawn on the picture so that you can see the path of the trajectory inside the chicken.
Prick the left leg joint, then the base of anal orifice and finally the right leg joint. Season with salt and pepper the inside of the chicken. Tie the two ends of the strings into a tight triple knot.
One can see the strings meeting inside the chicken. It is the same course as on the simulation drawn in black on picture 5.
The chicken is ready to be cooked. It will keep this shape up to the end.
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