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Add this recipe >Before starting this Rack of Lamb with Parsley Crust recipe, make sure you have organised all the necessary ingredients.
Place the stale bread in the food mixer recipient.
Mix finely...
... until the texture is similar to breadcrumbs. Set aside in a separate bowl.
In the food mixer bowl, place the leaves of half a sprig of parsley, the leaves of 2 or 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary and the leaves of 2 or 3 sprigs of thyme.
Peel the garlic cloves and discard the central germ. Add the garlic cloves to the bowl.
Mix finely.
Add the pine nuts and mix.
Add the parsley preparation to the breadcrumbs.
Combine with your fingers.
Add the softened butter...
... and combine until the consistency is smooth and compact.
Trim the rack of lamb. Using a meat cleaver or a big kitchen knife, remove the spine bone. This will ensure an easier operation when carving each bone when the rack is cooked.
Flour the rack...
... and glaze with the beaten egg yolk. Season with salt and Espelette pepper.
Coat the whole surface with the parsley preparation.
Place the meat on a roasting tray...
... and pour a dash of olive oil on top. Place a few unpeeled garlic cloves around the meat.
Bake at 210°C (gas 6-7)...
... for approximately 40 minutes.
The temperature should be about 55-60°C in the centre. The use of a digital thermometer is essential to ensure the optimal doneness of the lamb. Wrap the rack of lamb in foil and keep warm. When ready to serve, slice the rack and enjoy immediately.
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